From the start of the war Ukraine had a huge problem, It didn’t have enough people and It was not going to. Before the war, Russia’s population outnumbered Ukraine’s by 100 million. For Ukraine to win this and not be overwhelmed, they had to rely on mobility and firepower. Even though they’ve disappointed me in the past, if a guy like me sitting on a couch can realize this so can the Russians, and they did.
Because of Russia’s numerical superiority population wise, the Ukrainians and NATO decided that if Ukraine was going to win this war they were going to have to rely on superior mobility. Supporters of Ukraine decided to then supply them with lots of tanks and infantry fighting vehicles like Bradleys. As much as people like to point out otherwise, the Russian military is a thinking organization. They decided that since they were going to be the slower moving army they’re going to slow down the entire war and play defense. I think they call this “active defense”, they created a bunch of defensive lines on the territories they hold and mined all of it heavily. This meant no matter how much equipment the Ukrainians have, they have to slow down and grind it out. Because of their numerical superiority, the grind is what Russia wants to happen. How you should think about it is: If the Ukrainians fight a small battle and they kill 15 Russians but lost 10 guys, they lost that battle.